wBillieupool |
My name is Kate.
wThursday, March 04, 2004 |

I miss my blog.
Maybe one day, when my life isn't so hectic, isn't so preoccupied with words and phrases like go and have done and must do and absolutely must complete, maybe then I'll restructure this place.
Maybe I'll make something really nice.
A little home in the internet, for me, with all the colors I want the way I want them and designed my way.
I hope so.
In the meantime, I've fallen in love. I've fought desperately with my family. I've been a bad friend. I've made the beginnings of life plans. My hair has grown very long.
Meanwhile, I plan for a backpacking trip through Europe. I help my boyfriend make bookcases for all our books to live in. We plan for our lives in San Antonio. I graduate college.
See you. Sometime soon.
posted by
Kate at 11:48 PM